You don't have to have a "disorder" to feel bad about your body. Because of images in the media, messages in movies, and conflicting opinions from our families and friends, we can often feel badly about how our body looks.
Flipping open a magazine can reveal an impossibly flawless model, signaling to our brains that beauty means an impossible ideal of perfection, even if we may know that airbrushing and photo editing created that image in the first place. There are proven treatments for changing how we feel about our bodies - whether we have a specific focus on one area of our body that we can't stop thinking about, or if we are experiencing symptoms. Some other symptoms may include:
The different types of eating disorders:
Signs of Anorexia Nervosa:
Signs of Bulimia:
You're not alone. Our eating habits and compulsions often change during stressful times in our lives. Old habits become activated, new ones get created. They can persist from messages in our family of origin, our cultures of origin, or when we try to adjust to American culture from another set of traditions and beliefs.
Regardless of the cause, our clinicians are trained to help reclaim your body and your mind from thoughts that make you feel bad about what you eat and how you look. Treatments from a cognitive-behavioral approach will help with making small changes in your habits that will empower difference in how you think and feel.
Regardless of the cause, our clinicians are trained to help reclaim your body and your mind from thoughts that make you feel bad about what you eat and how you look. Treatments from a cognitive-behavioral approach will help with making small changes in your habits that will empower difference in how you think and feel.
There is help, for a free phone consultation or to set up an appointment with us, call (415) 617-5932 or email us at [email protected]
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