Modern psychology looks at anger in a relatively neutral way. It is an inevitable and natural part of the human experience. Also, anger is valuable for survival. Anger can mobilize psychological resources for the fight or flight response.
Anger usually arises when we feel a person or a situation has deliberately wronged us. When we feel like our anger is so overpowering that it takes over, it usually affects our heart rate and nervous system. Over time, stress hormones like cortisol become elevated and have been shown to cause damage to the cardiovascular system, increase blood pressure, etc. |
We Treat Anger In:
Uncontrolled anger can negatively affect our mental health. We may experience disruptions in career goals, negative effects in interpersonal relationships, and threatened peace and security at home and in our community.
Whether you have been the victim of aggressive or passive anger, or if you feel like you could use some help in addressing your feelings of anger when they arise, our Bay Area clinicians help you take back control of your response and reactions to others.
Through proven techniques and treatment, we can reframe responses to anger so that it becomes a positive emotion. Anger can act as a signal to us that something deserves further attention. Techniques for dealing with anger can help us decide if something should be addressed right away, or later when we feel in better control of our emotions.
Learning to use anger in healthy ways is seldom something we learn in school, in our families or cultures of origin. In some cultures, anger is never appropriate to be experienced or expressed. In others, certain kinds of anger can be a sign of attention, honesty, and passionate expression.
Whether you have been the victim of aggressive or passive anger, or if you feel like you could use some help in addressing your feelings of anger when they arise, our Bay Area clinicians help you take back control of your response and reactions to others.
Through proven techniques and treatment, we can reframe responses to anger so that it becomes a positive emotion. Anger can act as a signal to us that something deserves further attention. Techniques for dealing with anger can help us decide if something should be addressed right away, or later when we feel in better control of our emotions.
Learning to use anger in healthy ways is seldom something we learn in school, in our families or cultures of origin. In some cultures, anger is never appropriate to be experienced or expressed. In others, certain kinds of anger can be a sign of attention, honesty, and passionate expression.
For a free phone consultation or to set up an appointment with us, call (415) 617-5932 or email us at [email protected].
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